[VIRTUAL EVENT] VIRTUAL BOOK RELEASE PARTY for The 5 A Formula to Reclaim Your Life by Janet Marie | www.AllJanetMarie.com


The entire month of March is Women's History Month, and on March 10th, 2022, trailblazing entrepreneur, business coach, 6 figure Real Estate professional and Self-Help professional Janet Marie Hefney will make Women's History (again) with the release of her highly anticipated self-development book "The 5 A Formula to Reclaim Your Life" that will be available to purchase on AMAZON.  

Janet Marie will also host a LIVE VIRTUAL BOOK RELEASE PARTY via Zoom and Facebook Live!  The event will be held between 7:30 PM and 9:30 PM Eastern Time and hosted by Jonathan Coleman (Some Guy Named Jay) and James JT Thompson of The Digital Meet and Greet series.

To view the show live through Facebook please follow Janet Marie on her official Facebook page....

To participate via ZOOM please follow the instructions below

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