[FEATURED FILMMAKER] Mark Cummings: The Visionary Behind Awalkonwater Entertainment

Mark Cummings: The Visionary Behind Awalkonwater Entertainment

          Mark Cummings is a name that reverberates with prestige and distinction in the realm of independent filmmaking. As the founder and Executive Producer of Awalkonwater Entertainment, Cummings has built a reputation as a creative force to be reckoned with, leading his Ohio-based film production company to remarkable success. Awalkonwater Entertainment, headquartered in Central Ohio, is a beacon of artistic innovation, producing a collection of award-winning films that have captivated audiences and critics alike.

With a robust portfolio, Cummings has successfully produced six feature films, each earning accolades for its originality and impact. His vision transcends mere storytelling; it weaves together profound narratives that delve deep into the human experience, transforming ordinary moments into cinematic masterpieces. Along with his production acumen, Cummings' versatility shines through in his multiple roles as a writer and director, having written five of the six feature films and directed four of them. His contributions to the world of cinema are not only vast but deeply influential, shaping Awalkonwater Entertainment into a powerhouse of creative storytelling.

Cummings’ skill as a filmmaker is complemented by his accomplishments as an actor. His award-winning performances in films such as Best Supporting Daddy, The Buyout, Premeditated, and the critically acclaimed When Three Become One showcase his range and dedication to his craft. In every role he inhabits, Cummings brings a depth of character and authenticity that has earned him praise from audiences and industry professionals alike.

One of his most recent triumphs, When Three Become One, is currently streaming on Amazon Prime, offering viewers a glimpse into Cummings’ ability to capture complex emotions and relationships on screen. His earlier works, Premeditated, Holy Hustle, and A Family Affair, continue to find new audiences on platforms like Tubi, further cementing his position as a filmmaker with enduring appeal.

Born in Toledo, Ohio, Mark Cummings has remained close to his roots, residing with his family in the serene suburb of Pickerington, Ohio. His commitment to his community and his family provides the foundation for the rich, character-driven stories he brings to life through Awalkonwater Entertainment. With every new project, Cummings proves that great filmmaking doesn't just come from Hollywood—it can thrive anywhere, as long as there is passion, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Mark Cummings and Awalkonwater Entertainment continue to elevate the standards of independent filmmaking, making their mark on the industry with each meticulously crafted film. As an artist and innovator, Cummings embodies the spirit of a true auteur, and his work promises to inspire future generations of filmmakers for years to come.

Visit the Official Website for Awalkonwater Entertainment: www.awalkonwaterent.com


For media, press and publicity inquiries concerning Mark Cummings & Awalkonwater Entertainment please contact Jonathan Coleman for The Media Blast PR via email at Info@TheMediaBlast.net


  1. Congratulations to my dear friend. You are very talented and smart.I always knew there was something special about you. 🙂 You have come a long way and Im so very proud of you! Continue to be the best and all you can be. May God keep blessing you and your family. Much love to you Mr. Cummings.
    Alisia Clarke (AKA) Missy Love.


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